Shoulder Replacement Surgery and How to Maintain a Healthy Shoulder Joint| Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center

At the Advanced Ambulatory Surgery Center of Altamonte Springs, we are dedicated to providing excellent healthcare through advanced research, technology, and quality care.

We specialize in spine surgery, orthopedic procedures, and customized pain management plans/procedures. One of the various surgeries offered at AASC is shoulder replacement.

A healthy shoulder stretch

Experiencing extreme shoulder pain as a result of joint damage may indicate that you may be a candidate for shoulder replacement surgery.

In this blog, we will explain how shoulder joint damage is caused, the surgery, and how to maintain a healthy shoulder joint.

There are a few conditions that can cause one to have joint damage and feel intense pain such as osteoarthritis, fractures, injury to your rotator cuff, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Your shoulder is a ball and socket joint which allows your shoulder to have a full range of motion more than any other joint in your body.

A healthy shoulder joint consists of your humerus, scapula, clavicle, acromion, and coracoid process. See the below image for reference.

It is important to prioritize the health of your bones and joints to avoid experiencing hand and wrist pain or worsening injuries. You can strengthen your bones by increasing your calcium intake and by using protective gear when you are playing intense sports or performing strenuous activities with your hands.

Hand and wrist pain can also mean ganglion cysts, gout, tendinitis, or lupus. Understanding the type of injury or disease can help you recover more smoothly.

In order to maintain a healthy shoulder joint, it is important to build strength in your scapula – otherwise known as the shoulder blade.

With stretching, your joints can become more flexible, resulting in a greater range of motion and healthier shoulder joints. In order to achieve this, you can take a brisk walk, swim, or perform dynamic stretching, which involves rolling your shoulders back and forth. Be careful of how much weight you allow your shoulder to bear. It is possible to negatively affect shoulder function if you overload the frequency of horizontal pressing movements.

The bones of a healthy shoulder joint.

The most important muscles in your shoulder are your rotator cuff. You can perform daily activities with a greater range of motion thanks to these muscles, which stabilize the shoulder joint. Rotator cuff injuries result in damage to the cartilage and bone in your shoulder, causing intense pain, but not all rotator cuff injuries cause pain. These injuries are typically caused by wear and tear or extreme overuse of the muscles in an unhealthy manner. 

Our team can help if you or a loved one is experiencing extreme pain in their shoulders due to an underlying disease or injury. We will evaluate the injury and come up with a treatment plan that is right for you.

You can also learn more about these procedures by watching the videos from our physician, Barry Schapiro, on our website. At AASC, we are committed to providing you with quality healthcare solutions through our progressive multi-specialty facility. Give us a call today at (407) 332-9871 or email us at to learn more information. 


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